Zoo Park, Itatiba, Brazil

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Original source: : http://wikitravel.org/en/Image:Windhoek_zoo_park.jpg Windhoek's Zoo Park and Independence Avenue. Picture taken by Leong Shen-li on 19 April 2007.
Original source: : http://wikitravel.org/en/Image:Windhoek_zoo_park.jpg Windhoek's Zoo Park and Independence Avenue. Picture taken by Leong Shen-li on 19 April 2007.
List of facts we found about Zoo Park
Zoo Park is a public park on Independence Avenue in downtown Windhoek,
Namibia. It is also a focal point of social life in the city
The current park is landscaped and features a pond, children's
playground and open-air theatre.
Spread over 425 Acers of Land, the Zoo park is a host for over 400
varieties of animals.
On Jan 1, 2000, there a news attraction to the Zoo Park.
The Zoo Park is nearly a 6 Km drive from RTC Complex. Busses (both run
by the APSRTC - the State Transport Corporation and the Tourism
Department) will help you reach to the Park.
The Zoo Park has some of the best living animal
and marine species and is one of its kinds in the state of Andhra
Pradesh. The park is refreshed with a fresh collection of animals from
the forests of Africa and the Australia.
windhoek zoo park former zoo
zoo park itatiba
windhoek zoo park
list of zoo parks in andhra pradesh