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Wildpark Langenberg, Langnau am Albis, Switzerland

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All pictures taken in Wildpark Langenberg in Switzerland. Additional Information This group is public This is a public group.
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Wildpark Langenberg Interested humans find in the game park long mountain experiences and information. These help them to develop over the animal individual a relationship with nature.
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A brown bear at the wild life park Wildpark Langenberg in Langnau am Albis, Switzerland. A brown bear at the wild life park Wildpark Langenberg in Langnau am Albis, Switzerland.
* Wildpark Langenberg, Langnau am Albis * Wildpark Peter und Paul, St.
A major attraction of the town is the Wildpark Langenberg, a zoo in a largely undeveloped location on a wooded hill within the town of Langnau where animals such as the wolf, lynx and ibex can be watched roaming freely.


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