Sea Lion Caves, Florence, United States

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Original source: Sea Lion Cave
Author: Art Bromage from Seattle
Original source: Sea Lion Cave
Author: Art Bromage from Seattle
List of facts we found about Sea Lion Caves
Sea Lion Caves is a tourist attraction on the Oregon Coast 11 miles
north of Florence, Oregon, United States. It is home to the only
year-round colony of Steller's Sea Lions in North America.
* Search the web for Sea Lion Caves in Florence, OR
* Reviews of Florence Hotels & Travel on Yelp.
Sea Lion Caves near Florence Oregon
The Sea Lion Caves (the world's largest Sea Cave according to
Guinness) are located appx. 11 miles north of Florence and offers an
awe-inspiring, intimate view of Sea Lions in their natural habitat.
The Sea Lion Caves are a "one of a kind" experience on the Oregon
Coast. Most of the trip north of the rally site will be on Hwy 101,
right along the coast.
Sea Lion Caves is just 11 Miles North of Florence, Oregon or 38 Miles
South of Newport, Oregon.
* Sea Lion Caves on Yahoo! Local
* Web search for Sea Lion Caves
* Sea Lion Caves Photos on Flickr
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* Sea Lion
Sea Lion CavesTrip Plans for Sea Lion CavesNorth by Northwest - A Road Trip
11 Day TripNorth by Northwest - A Road Tripby
© 1999 Sea Lion Caves/Mike Anderson
What is this?
Quick Facts
Hours of Operation:
Open year-round 9 a.m.; July and August 8 a.m.
The sea lions that live at Sea Lion Caves is called the Northern, or more commonly the Steller Sea Lion. They derived their name from George Wilhelm Steller, a naturalist who was the first qualified observer to study and classify these sea lions.
Sea Lion Caves, home of wild Steller sea lions,
has been called 'the treasure of the Oregon Coast.'
There's no other place like it.
Sea lions dive into the Pacific Ocean at Sea Lion Caves on the Central
Oregon Coast.
Photo courtesy Sea Lion Caves
Sea Lion Caves provides the unexpected in a roadside attraction
By Patrick Johnson
For Oregon.
the Oregon Sea Lion Caves area in Florence.
Sea lions live at Sea Lion Caves year round. It now soars to the
height of a 12- story building and stretches the length of a football
the Sea Lion Caves area varies from season to season and from year to
year with the herd averaging about 200 animals.
The Sea Lion Caves are open 9:00 am every single day of the year,
except Christmas.
The variety of sea lions which live at Sea Lion Caves is commonly
called the Northern, or Steller, sea lion. This sea lion is named
after George Wilhelm Steller, an eminent German naturalist who
accompanied the Danish explorer Vitus Bering in 1741 on his second
Alaskan expedition.
Following are Sea Lion Caves reports and tips that were sent in by visitors. Some tips may not be verified. Submit
your own tip or update.
sea lion caves are there where you can view up close these sea lions
lounging and resting? Definitely worth the money and seeing.
Florence, Oregon - Sea Lion Caves
It's just not worth the money. My tip: Park along the road and look...
Sea Lion Caves is a genuine natural area; it is not really of the
hokey variety that many hope to see for fun.
Steller sea lion and cave: Sea Lion Caves, home of wild Steller sea
lions, has been called 'The treasure of the Oregon Coast'.
Sea Lion Caves: Dim, smelly cavern is a natural wonder
As the name Sea Lion Caves says, this cave is used by the Sea Lions.
The cave itself is a huge sea cave at the dramatic Oregon coastline.
In the Sea Lion Caves region lives a herd of 200 Northern sea lions or
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus).
Sea Lion Caves has just one attraction: a giant cave, filled with a
couple hundred (more or less on any given day) sea lions.
Sea Lion Caves is just south of the famous Heceta Head Lighthouse. You
can see it in the distance; in the foreground is the upper end of the
elevator shaft, that takes you down 208 feet to the world's largest
sea cave.
For those reasons, I passed by Sea Lion Caves on Day 2, as
I headed south, and I almost did it again on Day 8. But, at the last
minute, I decided to give in, hold my nose, and check it out. Finally,
I had made the right decision.
Sea Lion Caves, Oregon - July 19, 2004
We decided to check out Sea Lion Caves. $7.50 each to see what you see
below. I think it was worth doing once.
Once in the Sea Lion Caves, there is no time limit. You can walk up to
a fenced area and admire the Sea Lions for hours. You and your little
ones are protected by a fenced-off area.
* Sea Lion Caves: Bespaar op hotels in de omgeving van
* Sea Lion Caves Sea Lion Caves By mnhubby Plymouth, Minnesota
* Sea Lion Caves Sea Lion Caves By mnhubby Plymouth, Minnesota
* Sea Lion haning out inside Sea Lion haning out inside By
My wife and I did the Sea Lion Caves on a foggy day on the coast. The
only reason we did the caves was because we couldn't see the
coastline. I forget the price, but I felt like after we were finished,
it was overpriced.
The Sea Lion Caves is exactly what it sounds like - a large sea cave
filled with hundreds of sea lions.
4) We have now visited the "largest natural sea lion caves in the
world," so we can cross this off our list.
5) We have contributed fundage to sea lion conservation.
sea lion caves on the Oregon coast... there were over 200 the day I
was there just chillin' on the rocks. It is completely wild and in
their natural habitat...... These are the sea lions at the famous sea
lion caves on the Oregon coast...
Sea Lion Caves, Oregon
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