San Francisco Zoo, San Francisco, United States

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List of facts we found about San Francisco Zoo
fundraising source for the San Francisco Zoo, just as Fleishhacker had
hoped when he envisioned: "…a Zoological Society similar to those
established in other large cities. The Zoological Society will aid the
Parks Commission in the acquisition of rare animals and in the
operation of the zoo.
The San Francisco Zoo is the largest and oldest zoo in northern
In early 2006, the SF Zoo announced its offer to name a soon-to-hatch
American bald eagle after comedian Stephen Colbert.
The San Francisco Zoo, housing more than 250 animal species is located
in the southwestern corner of San Francisco, California nestled
between Lake Merced and the Pacific Ocean along the Great Highway.
San Francisco Zoo on December 16, 2005 to provide a 14-year-old
Siberian tiger, Tony, with a mate. Tony's prior companion, Emily, had
died of cancer of the spleen in late 2005. Tatiana had no record of
aggression towards humans.
Two tiger attacks at the San Francisco Zoo occurred on December 22,
2006 and December 25, 2007, both involving a 243-pound Siberian tiger
named Tatiana (June 27, 2003 — December 25, 2007). In the first
incident, a zookeeper was bitten in the arm during a public feeding.
The San Francisco Zoo was fined US$18,000 for the
incident. The Zoo decided not to euthanize Tatiana after the attack
on Komejan because, in the words of the zoo's then-director Manuel
Mollinedo, "the tiger was acting as a normal tiger does.
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The San Francisco Zoo has a dedicated staff, involved in ongoing
conservation efforts which include breeding programs, research and
The San Francisco Zoo has been upgrading elements of its 'new zoo' -
providing larger, more natural spaces for some of its animals. The new
, for instance, is three acres of habitat for mixed species such as
giraffes, crowned cranes, ostriches and zebras.
The San Francisco Zoo has made dramatic updates in a number of animal
areas as suggested below, in keeping with a more modern ethic about
captive animals and conservation.
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Come to the San Francisco Zoo this holiday season and see Santa's
reindeer! Four reindeer have landed at the Zoo and will stay until New
Year's Day. They will be wearing their antlers, and their thick brown
fur will keep them warm.
For more information on the San Francisco Zoo, including hours of
operation, driving directions, admission fees, pictures of housed
animals, and upcoming special events, visit their official site here.
Gardens, and in 1954 the San Francisco Zoological Society was found.
The society’s purpose was to educate the public about the riches of
the zoo, as well as to maintain and improve the facilities when or if
they fell into repair.
The San Francisco Zoo is home to a staggering array of amphibians,
birds, invertebrates, mammals (over 40 different kinds!), and
12 Stories on San Francisco Zoo Search this topic
An organization that accredits zoos says the San Francisco Zoo had an
"impressive" response to a tiger escape on Christmas Day but could
have done more initially, according to a report the zoo released
was attacked or taunted, San Francisco Zoo spokesman Sam Singer said
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Plans for San Francisco ZooTrip Plans for San Francisco ZooSan Francisco trip
(6)San Francisco tripby tisonbroNorthern California 10 Day TripNorthern
Californiaby OdySan Francisco 13 Day TripSan Franciscoby tumsaint29San Fransico 2009
(1)7 Day TripSan Fransico 2009by KoelynwWeekend Trip to San Francisco
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San Francisco ZooPhoto Album | Image SearchAdd your photos of this
Attraction1 Zoo Road
San Francisco, CA 94132+1 415 753 7080guestservices@sfzoo.orgOpen
HoursDaily 10a-5phttp://www.sfzoo.orgOverviewSee more than 250
different species of wildlife from all over the globe here, many of
which are endangered.
San Francisco Zoo We need your help in naming our new infant gorilla!
You can enter our Name the Baby contest or even donate towards gifts
at his new baby gift registry. Visit our Web site for all the details
According to its Web site, San Francisco Zoo is one of the only zoos
in the U.S. where visitors can see big cat feedings.
* See Next Story in U.S.
corner of the city, the San Francisco Zoo, which once had a reputation
for being a bit shoddy and out-of-date, has come a long way in recent
years (that is, until the tiger vs. teen incident).
64 Reviews of San Francisco Zoo in San Francisco
Have experience with this business? Write a review
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Rating: ***** Click a star to select a rating
The San Francisco Zoo has upgraded much of the animal areas and made
it nice to visit. Our favorite is the Lion Building. Most people like
to go and see them when they are being fed.
The San Francisco Zoo is a GREAT place to spend a few fun hours. There
are many animals to see. They have the children zoo which the little
ones can feed the ducks, sheep, and goats.
A young man injured in the San Francisco Zoo tiger attack was
drunk and had yelled and waved at the animal while standing on a
railing, according to court documents.
San Francisco Zoo drew a handful of visitors Thursday who erected
a makeshift memorial - to the slain animal.
The San Francisco Zoo was severely understaffed and slow to react
when a 250-pound Siberian tiger escaped her grotto and fatally
mauled a teenager on Christmas Day, a new report says.
My wife and I took our 7 year old to the San Francisco Zoo on June
18th, 2008. We live in Marin County, so it is a quick half-hour drive
over the Golden Gate Bridge, through Golden Gate Park, and down 19th
Avenue to the San Francisco Zoo.
The San Francisco Zoo is open daily for 10 am
to 5 pm. The Children's Zoo is open daily from 11 am to 4 pm. We are
here for you 365 days a year.
This year, two elephants at the San Francisco Zoo died in less than
two months.
At the San Francisco Zoo, it's our mission to connect people with
wildlife, inspire caring for nature and advance conservation action.
* San Francisco Zoo: Bespaar op hotels in de omgeving van
The San Francisco Zoo has a lot of wasted space. The half closest to
the entrance has some really fantastic exhibits (I especially love the
savanna exhibit), but the back corners of the zoo are sparse and
devoid of any real attractions.
Send Photo to a FriendThe San Francisco Zoo was built in the 1930's as
part of a Depression-era Works Progress Administration (WPA) project,
and currently coves 100 of its 125 acres.
I took my family to the San Francisco Zoo 2 weeks ago and we had a
GREAT time. The staff and vendors were very friendly and very helpful.
The San Francisco zoo is large. There are penguins. The primates are
kind of lively. The food is better than that of the Oakland Zoo, but
due only to the vegetarian burrito from the chinese/mexican food hut.
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San Francisco Zoo is a fun place to take the kids to watch, point and
laugh at majestic animals in captivity. The monkeys are always funny,
and you can see a number of different animals not available in other
parts of the city.
The historic San Francisco Zoo is being transformed into the New Zoo,
a conservation zoo that is dedicated to the preservation of wild
places and wildlife.
list of animals in the san francisco zoo
name of a new animal at
list of primates at the san francisco zoo
list of incidents at zoos
facts about the animals in the san francisco zoo