Riga Zoo, Latvia

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Original source: http://www.vietas.lv/index. php?p=2&id=13850
Original source: http://www.vietas.lv/index. php?p=2&id=13850
List of facts we found about Riga Zoo
Riga Zoo enacts several scientific research and wild life conservation
Monitoring of owl autumn migration
Owls are monitored since 1985 in Pape.
Riga Zoo is a city-owned zoo in Riga, Latvia. It is located in
Mežaparks, on the western bank of Ķīšezers lake. Riga Zoo houses
around 3000 animals of nearly 500 species and is visited by
250-300,000 visitors annually.
Riga Zoo researchers have participated in various entomology
expeditions since 1989. In 1989-1993 expeditions were made to various
places in the former Soviet Union (Ukraine, Central Asia, Azerbaijan,
Southern Siberia, Primorsk, Sakhalin and Kunashir Island).
Riga Zoo must be included in your Riga visiting tour as one of the
most interesting Riga places which is home for more than 3000 animals
(approx 500 species)
Labels: animals, mezaparks, museums, parks, sights
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Riga zoo is very different from the common stereotype of a zoo. It
does have some common animals that you can find in almost any zoo but
it as some very weird ones, animals that only exist in that region,
like wild donkeys.
which is owned by Riga Zoo, Latvia, is more than 10ft high and weighs
7.2 tonnes.
Riga Zoo hotels in Riga, Latvia
Search for hotels near Riga Zoo on Expedia.com.
* Riga Zoo Hotel in Riga
* All hotels in Riga, Latvia
Hotels near Riga Zoo
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Near Riga Zoo - Riga: The Hotel Jurnieks is located in Riga, Latvia,
2.5 kilometres away from Riga Zoo, three kilometres from a shopping
centre, and six kilometres from Riga's Old Town. Hotel Features.
Riga Zoo hotels in Riga, Latvia
Hotels near Riga Zoo - hotels.com offers the best selection of hotels
near Riga Zoo at low competitive prices.
Riga Zoo holds 445 animal species and takes part in 52 international
captive breeding programmes of threatened species. 82 of animal
species kept at the Zoo are included in IUCN Red Data List.
Riga Zoo offers plenty of
diversions for animal lovers and, as well as the aforementioned
'biggies', excellent collections of insects, birds, amphibians and
grazing animals can be seen and admired. Amongst the latter is
included the extremely rare Tibetan wild donkey.
* a view of the Gulf of Riga from the Riga Zoo a view of the Gulf
of Riga from the Riga Zoo By Marywhotravels Williamsburg, Virginia
* dark and dank hippo enclosure at the Riga Zoo dark and dank hippo
enclosure at the
* front entrance of the Riga Zoo front entrance of the Riga Zoo By
Marywhotravels Williamsburg, Virginia
* meerkat at the Riga Zoo meerkat at the Riga Zoo By Marywhotravels
Williamsburg, Virginia
The Riga Zoo is currently undergoing a number of renovation
projects. They recently opened a brand new giraffe enclosure with very
nice viewing platforms, and they're in the process of raising money
for a new elephant pen.
neighbourhood, Riga Zoo houses hundreds of animals from wolves, polar
bears and kangaroos to lions and giraffes. There's also a modern
tropical building housing insects, rare birds and reptiles.
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