Ralph Mitchell Zoo, Independence, United States
List of facts we found about Ralph Mitchell Zoo
Largest of all animals ever residing at Ralph Mitchell zoo was Susie
the elephant, obtained in 1956 at the age of 4. She moved on to
Portland, Oregon in 1974, being replaced by Lois, another 4 year old.
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Ralph Mitchell Zoo is a unique attraction (in the true sense of the
word). The zoo is maintained by the city of Independence and admission
is free to the public.
Ralph Mitchell Zoo DescriptionThe Ralph Mitchell Zoo in Independence
was named for one-time mayor and long-time Park Board Chairman Ralph
Mitchell. The zoo covers over half of the park's 106 acres and is home
to about 200 specimens.
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* Ralph Mitchell ZooZoos and aquariums in Kansashttp://www.americanzoos.info/Files/Webpages/USA/States/KS/RMZ.html
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The Monkey Island at Ralph Mitchell Zoo was
particularly elaborate, with a castle, a main street with storefronts,
a jail, a windmill, and even a miniature Liberty Bell.
This was fertile soil, and it nurtured the first non-communist primate
to travel into outer space.
If the Ralph Mitchell Zoo harbored hopes of becoming the home of a
space celebrity - and maybe building a little rocket for the island
- they were quickly dashed. Miss Able returned safely to Earth, but
died the next day during surgery to remove her electrodes.
For years the Ralph Mitchell Zoo at least had a decent sign - of a
cartoon monkey hanging out of a rocket - telling Miss Able's story.
But it was replaced in the late 1990s with a more serious one -
strictly informative.
Ralph Mitchell Zoo and The Little House on the Prairie. 1 Mile from
Downtown Independence. Many Restaurants and Shopping within walking
distance of the hotel. Complimentary Continental Breakfast is
available each morning. Free High Speed Internet Access in all rooms.
Bald Eagle at Ralph Mitchell Zoo in Independence, KS
Emu at Ralph Mitchell Zoo in Independence, KS
Spider Monkey at Ralph Mitchell Zoo in Independence, KS
* The Ralph Mitchell Zoo in Independence was named for one-time
mayor and long-time Park Board Chairman Ralph Mitchell. The zoo
covers over half...
ralph mitchell zoo lois the elephant
"susie the elephant" riverside
ralf mitchell zoo monkey island
ralph mitchell zoo elephant