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Parco Natura Viva, Italy, Italy

List of facts we found about Parco Natura Viva

Parco Natura Viva: zoo safari on Lake Garda = Parco Natura VivaParco Natura Viva stands in Bussolengo near Lake Garda. The park extends itself on a 240.000 square metre surface and develops itself along a seven kilometre route.
Parco Natura VivaEven here there are lots of animals. If your on vacation on Lake Garda you should visit Parco Natura Viva which unlike other parks is suggested for all ages by satisfying all nature and animal lovers.
Parco Natura Viva is a member of EAZA (European Association of Zoo and Aquariums), within which operates EEP (European Endangered Project) which co-ordinates the management of the endangered animal population held in European zoological parks with the help from ISIS (Internationl Species
Parco Natura Viva takes part in some 20 EEP projects: the Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), the Lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens), the Snow leopard (Panthera uncia), the Ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata), and the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) to name a few.
To crown Parco Natura Viva's efforts to breed this important European species, on June 12, 2004, two female European bison born in our park were transferred to Poloniny National Park, Slovakia.
Parco Natura Viva is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week from March through October. Admission from March 1- June 8 and from Sept. 1- Nov. 30 is 13 euro for children ages 3-12 and 16 euro for adults 12 and older.
The demanding role that Parco Natura Viva of Bussolengo (VR) took on as protection center for animal species at risk of extinction is both ambitious and stimulating.
Pastrengo, or Parco Natura Viva, is available.
the Parco Natura Viva , travelling with fantasy in far exotic countries. In the Dinosaurs Park the models at natural size of the big reptiles that lived 65 million years ago, concur to widen the knowledge of the species extinction.
Il Parco Natura Viva si trova tra Bussolengo e Pastrengo in Loc. Figara, 40 . - BUSSOLENGO Open from 9 AM to 6 PM, the schedule changes depending on the season. In march opening hours from 9am to 4pm. Safari park admission from 10am to 3pm.


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