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Parc Zoologique d'Ivoloina, Madagascar

List of facts we found about Parc Zoologique d'Ivoloina

Ivoloina is close enough to enjoy on a layover for a few hours at the nearby airport or venturing onshore for a daytrip from a cruise ship. And for those wishing a longer stay, there is also overnight camping.
Ivoloina is a 400-hectare forestry station on the east coast of Madagascar near the city of Tamatave. Parc Zoologique d'Ivoloina (Parc Ivoloina or PZI) is a small zoo which occupies about 4 hectares of the station.
with Ivoloina began in 1987 when, along with Duke University Primate Center, we sent a husband and wife team of technical advisors to Ivoloina: Andrea Katz and Charlie Welch.
Ivoloina Main Page Conservation Education Breeding Outside the Wild Becoming Self-Sufficient MFG Home Page Contact the MFG Address: Madagascar Fauna Group, c/o Saint Louis Zoo, 1 Government Drive, St.
Ivoloina are to stimulate regional awareness and enthusiasm for conservation and to expand in-country captive breeding efforts for lemurs and other endangered Malagasy fauna.
Ivoloina has become a nationally recognized center for environmental education. The Education Center has developed conservation education programs to benefit both teachers and schoolchildren. In such programs, teachers learn how to incorporate the environment and conservation into their lessons.
Zoologique Ivoloina, a zoo in Madagascar. This was accomplished by working through the Madagascar Fauna Group. Significantly, this is the first and only exhibit for an amphibian species in the entire country.
Ivoloina, Madagascar in an attempt to help educate local people about this attractive member of their natural heritage (4).
05016 - Parc Ivoloina Conservation and Training Center operated by the Madagascar Fauna Group and the Madagascar National Park Service (ANGAP), supported by the following zoos: Brookfield Zoo, Carribean Gardens, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Duke University Primate Center, FOTA Wildlife Park, Houston Zoo,


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