Niabi Zoo, Coal Valley, United States

List of facts we found about Niabi Zoo
Approximately 250,000 visitors a year make Niabi Zoo one of the
largest attractions in the Quad Cities. The zoo grounds also offers a
playground, a train ride, picnic areas and concession stands.
Niabi Zoo is an AZA certified zoo in Coal Valley, Illinois, USA. It is
home to over 200 species including lories and lorikeets, wallabies,
African lions, and White-Handed Gibbons.
* Inform visitors about Niabi Zoo programs and general information
Volunteer Benefits
* A chance to experience what goes on behind the scenes of an exotic
* After 20 volunteer hours, free bottled Coca-Cola products while
The Niabi Zoo Docent program is an interpretation service provided to
our guests.
to becoming a Niabi Zoo voluneeer is to attend a Volunteer Information
Session. At this meeting, future volunteers will learn volunteer
requirements, responsibilities and have all their questions answered.
Niabi Zoo is open from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. The zoo is at 13010 Niabi Zoo
Road, Coal Valley. It is home to more than 900 animals representing
more than 160 species.
Although Niabi Zoo is owned and partially funded by Rock Island
County, it depends upon additional revenues from the Niabi Zoological
Society to maintain the zoo and make improvements.
Membership in the Niabi Zoological Society is $15 for an individual
membership and $35 for families. Memberships allow free admission to
the zoo for one year, the quarterly ``ZooNooZ'' newsletter, discounts
in the gift shop, and free train tickets.
Niabi Zoo is a work in progress
File photo
Niabi Zoo has come a long way in the past year. Since August alone,
the zoo has made $400,000 worth of improvements.
July 22, 2005, at the Niabi Zoo in Coal Valley, Ill., and munches on a
fruitsicle, fruit frozen in water, in an effort to beat the mid-90
degree heat and humidity.
Niabi Zoo (visit link) is a great place to visit.
Niabi Zoo, they waited in the car while I ducked into the woods after
this cache. I'm glad my son wasn't with me, since it would have been
tricky navigating a three year old through here.
Riding on the Niabi Zoo Train
Sydni shares some snacks with her new best friend at Niabi Zoo
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Niabi zoo is home to 900 animals representing 160 species on 40 acres
Niabi Zoo is home to over 200 species on 40 acres including children's
zoo, carousel, playground and miniature train.
* Niabi Zoo, Illinois
* 2 Jo's Farm
* Porcupine
Copyright © 2009KCRG / Cedar Rapids TV Co.ABCPowered by Broadcast
Interactive Media.
fun and learn about a few of them! Niabi Zoo, in conjunction with the
Quad City Botanical Center and the University of Illinois Extension
Service announces the Q.C. Kid's Bug Club! Learn more . . .
Naming Contest: Niabi Zoo is pleased to announce the winning name for
our baby camel. The winning name is "Kontar", which is an Egyptian
name meaning "only son".
Niabi Zoo may have the perfect opportunity for you. Volunteers should
submit an application prior to this meeting. If you would like more
information, check out our volunteer page or email you contact
information to the education department.
The visit to the Niabi Zoo provides an excellent opportunity for the
students to explore the animal world through their own first-hand
observations and apply the information they have learned in the
com The Niabi Zoo in
Coal Valley has added three new things this summer that stand out
above the rest - Twiga, Kenya and Mimi - young giraffes who made their
debut July 14 in their outdoor exhibit.
The Niabi Zoo is a small zoo located in Coal Valley, Illinois which is
just a 15-20 minute drive from the Quad City area. The Zoo is nestled
upon a hill and for a small zoo, it has a lot to offer.
how many volunteers does niabi zoo have
niabi zoo train passes