Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley, United States

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List of animals in Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley
List of facts we found about Minnesota Zoo
The Minnesota Zoo (formerly Minnesota Zoological Gardens), is an AZA-accredited
zoo in Apple Valley, Minnesota. When it opened on May 22, 1978 it
was fairly revolutionary in its exhibit design.
The Minnesota Zoo is a state agency. This differs from other zoos in
Minnesota and most zoos in the United States, which are run by
municipalities or private organizations. The Minnesota Zoo charges
admission and sells annual memberships.
The Minnesota Zoo received the
Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s (AZA) 2008 Significant Achievement
Award for this trail.
The Minnesota Zoo is located just south of the Twin Cities in Apple
Valley, Minnesota.
what’s to see and do?
This zoo is home to over 2,000 animals (representing 408 species) on
500 acres of Minnesota countryside.
The Minnesota Zoo's roster of fun programs lets animal-crazy kids
learn all about critters large and small. Take a Behind-the-Scenes
Tour to see the kitchens where diets are prepared and the holding
areas where the animals are kept at night.
* Minnesota Zoo on Yahoo! Local
* Web search for Minnesota Zoo
* Minnesota Zoo Photos on Flickr
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Travel Articles
* Extra day in
for Minnesota ZooTrip Plans for Minnesota ZooMidWest Vacation 2008 15
Day TripMidWest Vacation 2008by pummicepark@sbcglobal.
Minnesota Zoo memberships are at an all-time high of 36,538
households, which represents more than 150,000 individuals.
The Minnesota Zoo is coming off its best year for attendance since
Attendance for the fiscal year ending June 30 topped 1.1 million.
Zoo memberships are at an all-time high of 36,538 households, which
represents more than 150,000 individuals.
Minnesota Zoo, birthed a male calf on Tuesday morning after 12 months
of pregnancy, zoo officials said.
"The birth was normal, and Rio and the calf appear to be healthy at
this time," Minnesota Zoo Veterinarian Jim Rasmussen said.
Minnesota Zoo will reopen on July 7. The exhibit will feature species
found in the state’s natural habitats, such as puma, lynx, beavers and
otters. New species to join the exhibit include raccoons, coyotes and
gray wolves.
The Minnesota Zoo worked with the Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources to renovate the Trail, including interpretive displays,
information about state parks and wildlife, and children’s activities.
For more information about the Minnesota Zoo and the new Minnesota
Trail exhibit, visit the zoo’s website.
Minnesota Zoo Foundation
13000 Zoo Boulevard
Apple Valley, MN 55124
tel: (800) 366-7811
fax: (952) 431-9300
EIN: 51-0147653
Contact Email
Visit Web Site
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Minnesota Zoo Foundation
Fundraising partner of the Minnesota Zoo
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The Minnesota Zoo Foundation is the fundraising partner of the
Minnesota Zoo. The Foundation exists to help realize the mission of
the Minnesota Zoo by raising money, hosting events and advocating on
behalf of the Zoo.
The Minnesota Zoo is in Apple Valley only minutes from the famous Mall
of America and 20 miles south of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St
Paul. The zoo in Minnesota is a big attraction that draws thousands of
families each year.
The Wells Fargo Family Farm at the Minnesota Zoo is the beautifully
updated version of the older children's petting zoo. The farm at the
Minnesota State Zoo takes the opportunity to educate visitors in the
methods of farm food transportation to the family dinner table.
This marine education center at the Minnesota Zoo focuses on
species such as the ominous shark, stingrays and a variety of other
sea creatures.
The Minnesota Zoo is located a mile east of Highway 77 (Cedar) on
County Road 38(McAndrews).
Additional Rate Info
Seasonal pricing. Group rates available. Prices subject to change.
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the Minnesota Zoo brings education and entertainment to life. Located
on 500 rolling wooded acres, the Zoo is home to a lush tropical forest
and aviary, marine center, boreal forest, and family farm.
The Minnesota Zoo is open year-round, with the exception of
Thanksgiving Day and December 25th.
The Minnesota Zoo is easily the largest zoo in… well, in Minnesota.
Consisting of five themed areas, the zoo is about 20 minutes south of
The Minnesota zoo is full of entertainment and children friendly
activities. At the same location as the zoo is a huge big screen IMAX
Theater. The Imax is not in the zoo but outside the zoo and is open to
The Minnesota Zoo staff has created a typical farm, complete with a
big red barn and grain elevator. This is where you can get close to
many farm animals, sheep, goats, and cows included. Parents don’t have
to worry, though, as there are hand-washing stations around.
17 Reviews of Minnesota Zoo in Saint Paul
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Children love to go to the Minnesota Zoo to see all of the animals. It
is a long distance from where I live, so I do not go there often. I do
enjoy going down the different trails to see the different animals;
such as the northern trail, the Minnesota trail and others.
There is no doubt, the Minnesota Zoo is pricey. Definately look at the
season pass options. For our family, we figured out by just going two
times during the year, the pass paid for itself.
The Minnesota Zoo offers distinct and truly unique opportunities for
larger-than-life private parties, business meetings, special events
and company picnics.
The Minnesota Zoo is one of my favorite, even since I was little. My
22 month old could sit and watch the fish in Discovery Bay forever.
Hints: Arrive at 9 if you have really little ones and leave before the
afternoon rush.
We took our son to the Minnesota Zoo to celebrate his first birthday.
Though he found the dolphins somewhat intimidating, he laughed out
loud when one of the "big kitties" came right up to the glass. Thank
you for making this an affordable adventure to enjoy as a family.
The Minnesota Zoo is a favorite destination, and we are
frequent visitors. I love the changes that have been made. For the
kids. It gives them something new to become excited about.
The Minnesota Zoo is an accredited institution of the Association of
Zoos and Aquariums and is an institutional member of the Alliance of
Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums and the World Association of Zoos
and Aquariums.
The Minnesota Zoo is home to more than 2,700 animals representing 449
species, many of which are considered rare, threatened, or endangered.
Minnesota Zoo were hoping for.
"I liked it when the grizzlies pawed at the glass, like they wanted to
get at you," said Andrew Nelson, age 12, of Eden Prairie.
Tuesday at the Minnesota Zoo’s new “Russia’s Grizzly Coast” exhibit in
Apple Valley. Come Saturday the general public can check out the $30
million exhibit, too. Zoo officials hope it will prompt an outpouring
of public and private financing.
Solutions obtain your tickets to Minnesota Zoo Amphitheatre for an
unforgettable entertainment experience watching the most exciting
events in Apple Valley!
Ticket Solutions is one of the oldest and most reputable licensed
ticket brokers in the country, selling Minnesota Zoo Amphitheatre
tickets as
Born at the Minnesota Zoo on May 19, 2003 in a litter of 7 pups. He
has a very "gold" overall body color with a very broad shaped head.
Born at the Minnesota Zoo on May 19, 2003 in a litter of 7 pups. He is
fairly non-descript in his physical markings and has classic Mexican
wolf coloration and features.
Minnesota Zoo and the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group. He was
born at the Minnesota Zoo on May 19, 2003 in a litter of 7 pups. He is
a very dark faced wolf (almost black) with a "classic" wolf look in
the face/body.
Epiphany! The last time I was at the Minnesota Zoo was 10 years ago
and it was not exactly as a visitor because that was when I'd taken a
summer job as an ice cream cart pusher at the Como Zoo and had to go
to the Minnesota Zoo for some training
that while the Minnesota Zoo is on a 500-acre campus, only one-third
of it has actually been developed.
The Minnesota Zoo is no different.
My fiance, the zoo snob, was also very impressed with the zoo. The
comment he repeatedly made was something like, "I can't believe how
much space the animals have!" And it was true.
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