Kyoto Municipal Zoo, Kyoto, Japan

List of facts we found about Kyoto Municipal Zoo
Higashiyama mountains, Kyoto Municipal Zoo, the second oldest in
Japan, opened in April of 1903.
* Kyoto Municipal Zoo Photos on Flickr
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User Reviews
* Kyoto Municipal Zoo
The Kyoto Municipal Zoo is an extremely poor example of how to
Kyoto Municipal Zoo (京都市動物園) is located in Sakyō ward, Kyoto and was
established in 1903, making it the second oldest zoo in the country
after Ueno Zoo in Tokyo.
Kyoto Municipal Zoo, the second largest zoo in Japan after Tokyo's
Ueno Zoo, is located in Okazaki Park. Within its spacious grounds are
700 animals, representing of more than 170 species. There are also a
library, which has movies and books about animals, and game
The Kyoto Municipal Zoo is an extremely poor example of how to care
for animals and how to educate children and adults about animals and
their needs.
The Kyoto Municipal Zoo is the second oldest zoo in Japan, after the
Ueno Zoo in Tokyo. It looks like the animals are living in a Zen
Garden. The site is relatively small for large animals, but you can
observe them from a much closer distance.
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Hylax, Kyoto Municipal Zoo Welcome to the Kyoto Municipal Zoo.
Lion, Kyoto Municipal Zoo Even for me, the lion, the king of African
Savanna, it's too hot. Kyoto is very hot today.
Lion, Kyoto Municipal Zoo I can't take a nap in this weather.
Lion, Kyoto Municipal Zoo "Hey, Chris, your place looks cooler.
Tsugumi the Hippopotamus, Kyoto Municipal Zoo My name is Tsugumi the
hippopotamus. I was born in this zoo 20 years ago.
Tsugumi the Hippopotamus, Kyoto Municipal Zoo I love swimming.
Lar Gibbon, Kyoto Municipal Zoo We are the Lar Gibbons.
* Kyoto Municipal Zoo's new ape house opens on April 18 (April 13)
* The sound of rushing water returns to Horikawa! (April 6)
The Kyoto Municipal Zoo has so many tourists that we kind of skip it
since we made our plans already to go to the different temples.
Besides I have been to many zoos already.
* Directions: The Kyoto Municipal Zoo is pretty close to the Heian
Temple. From the Kyoto Station, take Bus #100 and leads you to the
zoo. Also, if you are driving, there's a lot of parking spaces.
Temple, Kyoto Municipal Zoo and Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. All of
these renown sites are within a short walking distance away. As for
dining, the hotel's restaurant has a set menu with a wide selection
and is also recommended for breakfast.
Kyoto Municipal Zoo, the second largest zoo in Japan after Tokyo's
Ueno Zoo ...
Factoid: Kyoto Municipal Zoo is the second largest zoo in Japan after
Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo.
When zoos were at their peak as a leisure time activity times were
harder, people were crueller and entertainment was of a much slower
Kyoto Municipal Zoo and Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. All of these
renown sites are within a short walking distance away.
pictures kyoto municipal zoo
kyoto station zoo
kyoto municipal zoo pictures
kyoto municipal zoo from kyoto station
list of the oldest zoos in the world: