Cameron Park Zoo, Waco, United States

Picture has been licensed under a GFDL
Original source: © 2008 Larry D. Moore
Author: Photograph created by Larry D. Moore (Nv8200p on en.wikipedia) using a Kodak P880 camera.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: © 2008 Larry D. Moore
Author: Photograph created by Larry D. Moore (Nv8200p on en.wikipedia) using a Kodak P880 camera.
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
List of facts we found about Cameron Park Zoo
Cameron Park Zoo is an AZA-accredited zoo located in the city of Waco,
Texas, USA.
Cameron Park Zoo also is the location of community events
such as Zoobilee.
External links
* http://www.cameronparkzoo.
* Search the web for Cameron Park Zoo in Waco, TX
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Photos Shocked!Shocked!by A Yahoo!
ContributorFirst of all check in was very hectic! After standing and
waiting for 30- 45 mins for a room to be cleaned? Mind you this was at
5:30 pm, check in is
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Tags: Galapagos Islands, Cameron Park Zoo, Brazos River, African
Elephants, White Rhinoceros, Sumatran Tigers, Species Survival Plan
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By: Rossella Colella |
Texas’ Cameron Park Zoo is also very active in conservation. The
Species Survival Plan (SSP) is a program that works to help insure the
survival of selected wildlife species.
The Cameron Park Zoo is home to tortoises from the Galapagos Islands,
Africa birds, and other animals from across the globe. The Herpetarium
is the perfect habitat for reptiles like crocodiles, as well as
spiders and plants.
Cameron Park Zoo is always looking for volunteers and interns.
Students that are interested in working with children and animals
should contact Anne Gustafson at 750-8400.
Cameron Park Zoo is accredited by the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (AZA).
Cameron Park Zoo is fully accessible.
There are six electric wheelchairs available to rent for a $20 fee and
five manual wheelchairs available at no charge, on a first-come,
first-served basis.
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New to
Cameron Park Zoo’s new elephant, Tanya, is now on exhibit. Tanya, who
is a 28-year-old female African elephant, arrived from the Abilene zoo
in late October. She and Tembo are now on exhibit together.
The unique Cameron Park Zoo is a fifty-two acre natural habitat zoo
that rests along the Brazos River in Waco, Texas with winding paths,
lush native vegetation, waterfalls and a picturesque lake.
The Cameron Park Zoo is a treasure.
We visited the Cameron park Zoo on Sunday. We arrived at 11:15 am (the
Zoo opens at 11:00) to find a long line still waiting to get in. This
was surprising since the parking lot was mostly empty.
Cameron Park Zoo’s play areas are a favorite with kids of all ages.
They can run across wooden bridges, frolic in a fountain to cool off
from the Texas heat, crawl through a giant snake, and take in the view
from a treehouse.
Not the zoo most adults grew up with, Waco’s Cameron Park Zoo is a far
cry from the cages of yesterday. This award-winning natural-habitat
zoo celebrates the spirit of wild animals with its free-form
surroundings and progressive attitude.
Zoo Tags: Cameron Park Zoo • Komodo Dragon • Komodo Dragons •
WACO — The Cameron Park Zoo announced Thursday two new grants that
will bring two endangered species to the Waco zoo.
Cameron Park Zoo, the food choices that were available were very
limited, totally unhealthy, and hampered by horribly
slooooooooooooooooow service.
The Cameron Park Zoo is a natural habitat zoo that has grown
tremendously since it was first built.
The Cameron Park Zoo is very nice. It's laid out well, it's very green
and park-like, there are ramps everywhere (we rented a wagon - very
handy), and the animals, for the most part, look pretty content and
are kept in reasonably spacious settings.
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A trip to Cameron Park Zoo in Waco
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