Almaty Zoo, Almaty , Kazakhstan

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Original source: own photo
Author: User:Vmenkov
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: own photo
Author: User:Vmenkov
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
List of facts we found about Almaty Zoo
Almaty Zoo — the state zoo of the city Almaty in Kazakhstan. The
Almaty Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoological parks of
Republic Kazakhstan.
Almaty Zoo was established in 1937 on the decision of the government.
Today Almaty Zoo is a unique corner of live nature.
Almaty Zoo welcomes you
Every day:
In winter from 10 am till 5 pm.
In summer from 9 am till 7 pm
The address of the zoo:
64, Ormanov str.
Almaty zoo in
Kazakhstan is no exception to the rule. The arrival... 9
Arrival of a 'star' is always an important and exiting event
accompanied by the fuss of reporters and cameramen. Almaty zoo i...
Almaty Zoo in Kazakstan, where they became acquainted with the
plight of the snow leopard. The Loginovs began writing a column in
an Almaty newspaper, publicizing the threat that poaching and
declining habitat posed to the snow leopard.
I can resend it by fax to Almaty Zoo and then send you scanned copy of
their reply fax message. In side Almaty it costs nothing but I feel
like they would never reply by fax to Espan'a.
Almaty Zoo is located here, home to 4,000 animals, including
endangered species of Kazakhstan such as the Tien-shan bear, striped
hyena, Turkestan lynx, pink pelican and black stork.
Opening hours 10am-5pm Mon-Sun. Tel.
almaty zoo snowleopard
almaty state zoo
the zoo almaty
almaty state zoo of kazakhstan
almaty zoo opening times